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A website to facilitate registration of nationwide entrance examination in Indonesia for admission to state universities.
Web Application
Jan 2023 - Jun 2023

Project Overview

This project aimed to create a streamlined online registration platform for the UTBK-SNBT exam, simplifying the application process for aspiring university students. Our project focuses on creating an efficient and user-friendly online registration platform for the UTBK-SNBT exam, addressing various complex requirements to accommodate a large number of applicants.

Problem Statement

The challenges encompass multiple aspects of the registration process:

  1. Comprehensive Application: Designing a user-friendly form for applicants to provide personal information, family details, and disabilities (tuna netra and tuna daksa), ensuring inclusivity.
  2. University Selection Constraints: Implementing logic that restricts KIP-K recipients from applying to PTKIN/UIN institutions due to specific regulations.
  3. Subject Portfolio: Developing a feature for applicants to submit subject portfolios where required.
  4. Pusat UTBK Seat Booking: Ensuring a queue-based seat booking mechanism for Pusat UTBK to prevent concurrency issues and ensure unique seat assignments and payment codes.
  5. Secure Cards and Certificates: Designing secure Kartu Pembayaran, Kartu Peserta, and Sertifikat UTBK with encrypted QR codes to prevent tampering.
  6. Handling High Traffic: Strategizing for optimal performance and minimal downtime while accommodating a significant volume of 800,000 applicants.
  7. Payment Expiry Management: Releasing exam seats within a specified time frame if payment is not made, allowing other applicants to utilize those seats.

Solution and Features

To address these challenges, our UTBK-SNBT registration platform provides:

  • Intuitive Form: A streamlined application form with sections for personal details, disabilities, and family information.
  • Dynamic University Selection: Logic to enforce university selection constraints based on KIP-K status.
  • Subject Portfolio Upload: A user-friendly interface for uploading subject portfolios where applicable.
  • Pusat UTBK Queue: A queue-based seat booking system at Pusat UTBK to ensure seat allocation integrity.
  • Secure Certificates: Sertifikat UTBK with encrypted QR codes to securely display exam scores.
  • Scalable Infrastructure: Employing robust architecture to handle high traffic and ensure performance.
  • Payment Expiry Handling: Automated release of unpaid seats to optimize seat utilization.

Technologies Used

The project was meticulously crafted using a comprehensive tech stack, including:

  • Frontend: Next.js, a powerful React framework, was chosen for its server-rendering capabilities, coupled with Chakra UI for a modern and consistent design language, resulting in a seamless and visually appealing user experience.
  • Backend: Laravel, a robust PHP framework, was employed to build the backend infrastructure, with OpenID Connect used for secure and seamless authentication, ensuring user privacy and data protection.
  • Database: Firestore, a scalable and real-time cloud database by Google Cloud Platform (GCP), was utilized to efficiently manage and store data, offering a reliable foundation for the application.
  • Infrastructure: Google Cloud Platform (GCP) served as the backbone for the project's infrastructure, providing a scalable and secure environment to host and manage the application.
  • Security: The implementation of encrypted QR codes added an extra layer of security, ensuring the integrity of critical data throughout the application.

Design and User Experience

The platform's design prioritizes simplicity and clarity, ensuring an effortless application process for all users. The user interface was optimized for both desktop and mobile devices.

Development Process

The project followed agile methodologies with continuous iterations and close collaboration between frontend and backend teams.

Results and Impact

Since its launch, the UTBK-SNBT registration platform has exhibited remarkable results and positive impact:

  • Enhanced User Experience: The integration of Next.js and Chakra UI contributed to a smooth and intuitive user interface, resulting in increased user satisfaction.
  • Streamlined Registration: The utilization of Laravel and Firestore allowed for efficient data management, leading to a seamless and error-free registration process for applicants.
  • Secure Authentication: OpenID Connect implementation ensured robust and secure authentication, safeguarding user information and privacy.
  • Scalable Infrastructure: Leveraging GCP for infrastructure enabled the platform to handle the substantial influx of applicants with minimal downtime, ensuring a reliable experience.
  • Data Integrity: The implementation of encrypted QR codes strengthened data integrity and security across various documents, boosting trust in the platform.
  • Business Rules and Architecture: Employing Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Aggregate pattern, and CQRS enhanced the backend's maintainability, scalability, and alignment with complex business requirements.
  • Team Collaboration: Collaborating effectively with seat booking queue, seat release worker, manajemen UTBK team, and integrating Google Analytics contributed to a well-rounded and holistic project ecosystem.

My Role

As a lead software engineer, I played a pivotal role in the project's success:

  • Frontend Design and Development: I led the design and development of the frontend using Next.js and Chakra UI, ensuring an engaging and user-friendly interface.
  • Backend Implementation: I actively contributed to the backend development using Laravel, integrating OpenID Connect for secure user authentication, and designing business rules with DDD and Aggregate pattern.
  • Team Collaboration: I collaborated closely with seat booking queue, seat release worker, and manajemen UTBK team to ensure smooth inter-team communication and seamless integration of functionalities.
  • Analytics Integration: I successfully integrated Google Analytics to gain insights into user behavior and application performance.


Biodata Page

This page consists of a form for applicants to provide their personal information, family details, and disabilities (tuna netra and tuna daksa).

Screenshot of Biodata Page

University Selection Page

This page allows applicants to select their preferred universities, with logic to restrict KIP-K recipients from applying to PTKIN/UIN institutions.

Screenshot of University Selection Page

Portfolio Page

This page allows applicants to upload subject portfolios where applicable.

Screenshot of Portfolio Page

Pusat UTBK Page

This page allows applicants to book seats at Pusat UTBK, with a queue-based system to ensure seat allocation integrity.

Screenshot of Pusat UTBK Page

Antrian Pendaftaran Page

This page displays the queue for applicants to track their registration progress.

Screenshot of Antrian Pendaftaran Page

Riwayat Pendaftaran Page

This page displays the applicant's registration history.

Screenshot of Riwayat Pendaftaran Page

Kartu Peserta Page

This page displays the applicant's Kartu Peserta, with an encrypted QR code to prevent tampering.

Screenshot of Kartu Peserta Page

Lessons Learned

The project provided invaluable insights and lessons that have enriched my expertise:

  • Optimized Integration: Integrating diverse technologies such as Next.js, Chakra UI, Laravel, and GCP reinforced my ability to architect complex systems.
  • Security and Privacy Focus: Implementing OpenID Connect for authentication and encrypted QR codes emphasized the significance of data security and privacy.
  • Scalability Considerations: Navigating the challenges of accommodating a massive number of applicants highlighted the importance of scalable infrastructure design.
  • Advanced Architecture: Designing business rules using DDD and Aggregate pattern, along with implementing CQRS, demonstrated the effectiveness of these architectural patterns in managing complexity and change.

Future Plans

Looking ahead, we have ambitious plans to further enhance the platform:

  • Advanced Analytics: Implementing analytics tools to gain insights into user behavior, application performance, and areas for improvement.
  • Expanded Security Measures: Exploring advanced security measures and compliance frameworks to strengthen data protection.
  • Continued Collaboration: Sustaining effective collaboration with interlinked teams for ongoing improvements.
  • Architecture Evolution: Continuing to evolve the architecture while considering lessons from DDD, Aggregate pattern, CQRS, and team collaboration.
  • Backend Migration: Exploring the transition of the backend from Laravel to Golang to optimize performance and resource utilization.

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